The Bible

We want you to be devoted to Jesus Christ. Being devoted to Jesus is a life-long journey and we are committed to helping you along the way.

Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer

We want you to be devoted to Jesus Christ. Being devoted to Jesus is a life-long journey and we are committed to helping you along the way. Devotion to Jesus comes through devotion to the Bible, which is His Word written to you personally. We encourage you to use the SOAP personal daily devotional process. SOAP is an acronym: Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer. While doing this, write your thoughts down in a journal. Journaling is an excellent way to record and process what God has spoken to us. Without writing our experiences down, you may forget those blessings and some very important lessons!


Take your time reading each chapter and allow God to speak to you. Look for a verse that particularly spoke to you and write it in your journal.


What do you think God is saying to you in this scripture? Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you and reveal Jesus to you. Paraphrase and write this scripture down in your own words in your journal.


Personalize what you have read, by asking yourself how it applies to your life right now. Write how this scripture can apply to you today.


This can be as simple as asking God to help you use this scripture, or it may be a greater insight on what He may be revealing to you. Remember, prayer is a two-way conversation, so be sure to listen to what God has to say and journal about it

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